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Area Agencies on Aging

An Area Agency on Aging is a public or private non-profit agency designated by the North Carolina General Assembly to administer the Older Americans Act at the regional level per the 1973 amendment to the Older Americans Act. Having regional oversight of the programs and funding allows the state to be more responsive and to be better able to assess local needs and concerns. Contact your local AAA.


AAAs Serve Communities


AAAs leverage federal Older Americans Act (OAA) dollars to expand the economic support and development of each community for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). The U.S. Administration on Aging estimates that for every $1 of federal OAA investment, an additional $3 is leveraged.

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Quality Assurance
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Supportive Services
Health & Wellness
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Core Services

AAAs provide a variety of programs such as:

Information & Options Counseling
Serve as a focal point in the community for resource information and connection to community services and supports

Administration of Home & Community-Based Services

Home delivered meals, transportation, in-home aide, congregate nutrition, family caregiver support programs, adult day care

Senior Volunteer Programs

Senior Employment Programs

Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Advocate for resident rights in skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes and assisted living facilities

Evidence-Based Health Programs

A Matter of Balance/Falls Prevention, Living Healthy/Chronic Disease Self-Management, Walk with Ease, Living Healthy with Diabetes, Chronic Pain Self-Management, Tai-Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention, and Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Operation Fan/Heat Relief

Case Management

Insurance & Financial Counseling

Local Contact Agency (LCA)
Provide options counseling to nursing home residents on community support options

Home Improvements

Statement of Compassion


As a member of the Aging Network, we pledge to celebrate diversity, create opportunities, and actively support inclusive environments, in which all individuals are welcomed, respected, and valued.


We acknowledge that no action perpetuates an inequitable status quo.


We commit to work collaboratively with all members of society to disrupt systematic inequalities and create a community where all members will thrive.


For More Information Contact:

© 2018 by North Carolina Area Agencies on Aging (NC4A). 

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